sayings & slogans
22 FCCLA Slogans
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a non-profit organization for youth in grades 6-12 that focuses on Family and Consumer Science (FCS) as it instills leadership qualities. Created in 1945, the FCCLA helps teens with relevant issues such as substance abuse, peer pressure, teen pregnancy, and health while fostering [...]
25 Melanoma Sayings & Slogans
The most dangerous form of skin cancer, melanoma is primarily caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. With 25% of melanomas related to moles on the body, it is important for individuals to do routine skin checks and have regular dermatologist visits. Wearing sunscreen and avoiding UV light (through means such as wearing [...]
23 French Teacher Sayings
Est-ce que tu parles français? If your answer was “oui”, you probably took French class at some point in your life. Thank your French teacher, who put in countless hours helping students learn about perfect versus pluperfect tenses, the difference between “savoir” and “connaître”, and the best way to [...]