Re-Re-Remix Your Order with Similar Designs
A few weeks ago, I mentioned how much money you can save when ordering different items with the same design, if you place the order all at once. Since we can use the same stencil on different shirts, we can group the order and pass the savings to you. Now let’s talk about how you can get even more flexibility in your order based on your design.
Most people think they are limited to one front and one back design. While the Design Lab showcases only one at a time, with the help of our customer representatives, we can mix and match different sides together to give your order more versatility.
For example, you can have your camp name on the front of a t-shirt with designs for each cabin on the back. I’m going to use this example to walk you through the process…
How-To Guide
1. Create and save each of your designs in the Design Lab on your selected shirt. Remember to coordinate fonts and colors to tie your whole order together. For our example, here is a list of the designs we’ll need…
A. One shirt with a back AND front design (Remember, in this case the front design appears on all shirts, while the back changes).
B. One shirt with each additional back design. You will only need a back design, since the front is the same. I suggest naming your designs with intuitive names to keep yourself organized. For our camp example, if you have a Moose Cabin and an Eagle Cabin, you could use “mooseback” and “eagleback”.
3. Gather order information together, including quantity and size for each camper in each cabin.
4. Call to place your order! Our reps will make sure you get the appropriate savings and make the process easy.
If you want to take your order one step further, you can mix and match different shirt types and colors as well. In this case we could give each cabin a different colored shirt, and then add sweatshirts to wear at night!
Helpful Tip: This is an idea for re-mixing bulk orders, not individual shirts for each camper. So, in order for this to be cost-effective, you’ll need at least six of each design you use. Keep this in mind when you design!
We appreciate any feedback, so please comment below!
I was just wondering if you do the multiple design orders to Canada and if you do how do I order online?
Hi Josephine,
Thanks for visiting CustomInk. We can definitely do mulitple design orders, however you’ll have to call your order in. I’ll have one of our Sales/Service Representatives reach out to you to help.
I am a designer and I have been using customink thus far to design, but it’s frustrating when I order because I have to reenter my information every time I place an order. Is there anyway to create an account so I don’t have to keep entering. I like CI but I may have to use someone else when my production volume increases.
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