Color Run Team Names
Are you participating in a color race like the Color Me Rad 5k or The Color Run™, and need a creative team name for your color run t-shirts? We’ve compiled a list of clever and funny names just for you! So check ’em out, pick one, and stand out amongst the crowd with your new, colorful color run team name!
Creative and Fun Color Run Team Names
- Get Fit or Dye Tryin’
Taste the Rainbow
Cray Cray Crayola
Pigmentation Party
Do or Dye
Rainbow Rockets
Rainbow Connection
Dye Me a River
A Running Canvas
Sour Patch Kids
Dye Dye Birdie
These Colors Don’t Run. Oh wait…
Powder to the People
Team Skittles
Ink Me!
Rad Rookies
Picasso Prancers
Paint, Paint, Paint Your Tees
Will Run for Color
Blue Past You
Hue Gonna Catch Up?
Dye Hard
Splatter Sprinters
Design Your Own Color Run T-shirts

Adam Levine ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Mitch ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Christine McCray ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Julie ( )

Stacey ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Kylie ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Tasha ( )

Cindy Gibson Brown ( )

Nicole Peregrina ( )

Karishma ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Tracy ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Sonya ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Lisa ( )

Adam Levine ( )

siobhan ( )

Adam Levine ( )

Karissa ( )

Michelle ( )

Adam Levine ( )
« Older Comments Newer Comments »Hi Debbie,
Thanks for visiting CustomInk! Very fun! What a great way to celebrate her birthday. I’ll send over a few ideas via email after getting a bit more info from you. Just give me a day or so.
Wow 5 boys! You guys must have your hand’s full.
Give me 24-48 hrs and I’ll have a couple names for ya.
Hi This is Mitch Im a marketing staff from a construction company and we will be having our color run but at at the same time it’ll be a mud run can you give me ideas for a slogan? Thanks!
A color mud run eh? Very cool. Lemme see what I can come up with. I’ll email you in a day or so.
I am getting a group together to do a Color Run and need a team name. I really am havng trouble coming up with something, any ideas. We all work different places and are of different ages. We all do play Candy Crush but so far I cannot think of something in realtion to that either. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks for visiting. I’m happy to help you find a creative name. Give me 24-48 hrs and I’ll get some ideas to you.
Tryng to think of a fun name for our group. 3 moms, 3 sons ( 8 and 9 years old), 1 daughter. We met when our sons started playing football together. Suggestions
Hi Adam. I just found out about a color run in my area and am at a loss for a team name. I read some of the cute and creative ones that you put up. Are we allowed to use one of them? My daughter and I really like Team Skittles. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Thanks. Stacey.
Hey Stacey,
You are most certainly allowed to use one of them. I’ll send you a few more as well. Thanks for commenting!
Hi Adam,
Just stumbled across your fabulous site whilst trying to find inspiration for a meaningful team name for Color Run. I will be joining my best friend and a few other close mates for an upcoming run in which we will be doing in remembrance of my best friend’s son, Nathan, who passed away 10mths ago. The run is going to be held 2 days prior to his birthday which will also be just after the first anniversary of his death. I’d like something catchy that possibly reflects ‘stars’ and Nath’s favourite colors blue and yellow. If you have any suggestions, I would be most grateful :o)
So sorry for your friend’s loss.
I’m happy to help you out. Give me a couple days and I’ll get you some name ideas. All the best.
We’re doing the color run in May, and my 14 yr old daughter who is the reigning Miss Bloomington Indiana is heading up our team! Any team name suggestions for us? Would love to have something about pageants, National American Miss, or her title involved!
I just signed up for my first ever run, Backlight Run in New Orleans which is on my 39th birthday!
Not only is this a huge stepping stone for me overcoming life’s obstacles the past 4 years that have been keeping me down and deeply depressed, but also I am super stoked that I actually committed to something (over 6 months away)!!!
Long story short, my and a few friends are running in celebration of ourselves and our courage as military moms to remember that while we serve our country, serve as wives and mothers, we must serve ourselves, by taking time for ourselves.
I have no clue about naming a team and all that good stuff.
Some of us are veterans now and some are still active duty, can you help me come up with something fun for a team name?
We are thinking of doing a color run for a fundraiser at our high school for our Junior class. We were wondering if you could offer us some creative ideas to make the experience better, that would be great. Thanks!
Looking for a really awesome team name for the color run 2014 in Atlanta. Any suggestions?! Please help soon!!
Hi Tasha,
Thanks for visiting CustomInk.
Sorry for just replying now. I was out of the office on holiday. I will go ahead and email you some ideas in the next day or so.
Happy to help. Looks like a fun race to participate in and seems like a great reason for you to do it. Thank you for your service by the way. I’ll be in touch in the next day or so with some team name ideas…. BTW, sorry for the delay – I was out of town on vacation since Dec 28th.
Thanks for visiting CustomInk.
For sure, give me a couple of days and I’ll email you some ideas.
Happy to help. I’ll email you some names in the next day or so.
Hi Adam
We have been using the name brunchers when we sign up for most of the fun run.
Thinking to link colour to the name brunchers.
Colourful Brunchers are the closer and most creative we can get……..we need your help, any good ideas?
With thanks,
I think Colorful Brunchers is pretty neat! But let me brainstorm a few more ideas for you… Just give me a day or so, and I’ll email them over. Thanks for visiting!
Trying to create a creative team name for a bunch of women runnning the Dye Run…
Thanks for visiting CustomInk. I’ll be happy to brainstorm a few team names for your Dye Run group. Expect an email from me by the latest Friday.
South Londonderry Township is participating in the color run. Can you help us think of a good team name? Thank you.
Very cool, Lisa! I’ll shoot you over some team names in the next day or so. If you can provide some more detail about the group you are running with, that’d be great as well.
Hi Adam-
We are looking for a name for our color run team. 3 of us are moms, one is a mom to a puppy. We are running in Copper at close to 9000ft in the snow. Any ideas??
Thanks so much for visiting. Wow that sounds like quite the run. Give me til Tues or Wed next week and I’ll email you some ideas. All the best.
A team of teachers are in need of some ideas for a 5K color run! Any suggestions?
Hello Adam,
I’m pulling a team together for the NJ Color Run and I would like to come up with a fun cool creative team name. Would you be able to make some suggestions?
Hi Karissa,
I’m happy to help.
Look for an email from me in the next couple of days with some ideas. All the best!
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