120 Running and Track Slogans and Sayings
As a runner, there are plenty of inspirational quotes and sayings out there to motivate you. We’ve collected some of the best, which you can use to inspire your teammates and create awesome custom gear. They’re perfect for the front or the back of running team t-shirts, marathon group t-shirts, custom beanies, hoodies, and performance wear. So check them out before the competition steals yours!
- Running Slogans
- Funny Running Sayings
- Funny Cross Country Quotes
- Cross Country Puns
- Track Sayings
- Track Yearbook Headlines
Runnings Slogans
- Don’t pass me—I’m not in your age group
- Run to live. Live to run.
- Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit.
- Death before DNF
- Carbs for life
- This seemed like such a good idea three weeks ago
- We run this mother
- Training to run—not running to train
- Let’s make a run for it
- Run hard or walk home
- Running is my favorite
- I don’t chase dreams. I run them down.
- Runner’s High: Chase it.
- Eat. Sleep. Run. Repeat.
- Run because you can.
- Running: It’s a mental sport.
- Live. Love. Run.
- Running is my therapy.
- Your only limit is you.
- Born to run
Funny Running Sayings
- Running: It’s cheaper than therapy
- My name isn’t Forrest
- Will run for tacos
- BACK OF SHIRT: Thanks—I’ve never passed anyone before
- Let’s go yogging
- Everyday I’m hustlin’
- Be the road warrior.
- Running – Cheaper than therapy.
- We run this town.
- Run like you stole something.
- Run the day, don’t let it run you.
- I run so I can eat cupcakes.
- If you see me collapse, pause my running watch.
- Run? I thought they said, “rum.”
- I thought they said 2.62 miles, not 26.2 miles.
- I’ve got 99 problems, but I’m going running to ignore them all.
- I don’t chase dreams; I outrun nightmares.
- Running? More like advanced skipping.
- Running: The best way to convince yourself you’re a superhero.
- I don’t sweat—I leak awesome.
Funny Cross Country Quotes
- “Cross country: our sport is your sport’s punishment.”
- “Anyone can run 100 meters. It’s the next 2,900, 3,900, or 4,900 that count!”
- “Only a runner doesn’t laugh at the word ‘fartlek.’”
- “May the course be with you.”
- “No half times. No time outs. No substitutions.”
- “If you can read this, we’re just warming up.”
- “The faster you run, the quicker you’re done.”
- “Real athletes run miles, not yards.”
- “Distance is my morning coffee.”
- “Tough runs don’t last, tough runners do.”
- “Never underestimate someone who loves to run.”
- “Speed is overrated whereas endurance is underrated.”
- “The body achieves what the mind believes.”
- “There’s no peak too high.”
- “Over the river and through the woods… and hills and more woods, and another river, and more hills.”
- “Cross country: All it takes is all you got.”
- “Cross country is all about sportsmanship. Until you try to pass me.”
- “If cross country was easy, it would be called track.”
- “Just shut up and run.” – Kenrick Sealy
- “Cross Country: Finally, a practical use for golf courses.”
Cross Country Puns
- Sorry, I’ve got to run!
- Mud, sweat, and tears
- Comrades in sweat
- XC: it’s one hill of a sport!
- It’s all part of the run!
- We may not be speedy, but we’re all a little racy.
- It’s just a hill—get over it!
- Much Ado About Running
- They’ll Be Running ‘Round the Mountain!
- If I’m going to run cross country, I’m going to start with a small country.
- Kick grass!
- Seven days without running makes one weak.
- We’ve got a bad case of the runs
- Run for your life!
- Make a run for it!
- Cardio is hardio
- The surgeon general says it’s OK to smoke the competition.
- We run for the hill of it.
- I tried to start a running club, but it never got off the ground.
- I tried to make a running pun, but I ran out of ideas.
Track Sayings
- Lead the pack! Run track!
- Don’t just chase your dreams. Run them down!
- Why is everyone chasing me?
- 400m is the new 100m
- If we played tag, you’d be “it” forever.
- We don’t need wings to fly.
- Baby got track!
- I can handle any hurdle.
- I’ve got a track record.
- There are no timeouts in track.
- Be fast or be last
- Get back on track
- Breaking my own records.
- Down the track, never look back.
- Sore today. Strong tomorrow.
- I spit on the track because it’s the law.
- Thou shalt not false start.
- When in doubt, sprint it out.
- Track and Field: Where running in circles gets you somewhere.
- If at first you don’t succeed, try doing what your track coach told you to do the first time.
Track Yearbook Headlines
- Ready, Set, Go the Extra Mile!
- Chasing Victory
- Racing Ahead
- Staying on Track
- Outrunning the Ordinary
- Going the Distance
- Meet the Champions
- Record Breakers
- Charting Our Course
- Overtaking Obstacles
- The Race We Ran
- Catch Us If You Can
- Unleashing Potential
- Sprinting Toward Success
- Breathless Moments
- In It to Win It
- The Fast and the Fearless
- In the Fast Lane
- Pacing Towards Glory
- Beyond the Finish Line
stop chasing me
if im slow your slower
‘Trample the weak, hurdle the dead’
‘running is a mental sport and we are all insane’
We’re XC and we know it
Just because your the best, doesn’t mean you can act the best!
If you don’t enjoy the journy…you probably won’t enjoy the destination.
Its a hill…GET OVER IT
We’re bringing XC back.
If you wanna catch me you’ve gotta be fast, if you wanna stay with me you’ve got to be good, if you wanna pass me you’ve got to be kidding!
Hustle and Heart set us apart
We run like we’ve taken something from liam neeson
Track is Wack
We’ve got more legs than a bucket of chicken.
hurdling through life’s obstacles
Track season is the reason!
Hi …I’m looking for a t-shirt that reads “If found on the ground just pull me over the finish line!” Do you have/ make something like that? How much? will be ordering around 12 shirts so sizes? colors? thanks,
XC: it’s a long distance relationship
My cross country shoes have more miles than your car
“You can’t catch me!”
“You can’t stop me!” – Andy Mineo
2 runners,1 trophy…who did their speedwork?
Need a catchy title for a 5K race in honor of a person named BEN
Hey Tony! What about something like “Sprintin’ for Ben” or “Ben’s Brigade”?
there’s always another hurdle
I am in yearbook and these are so helpful. Thank you guys <3
Thank you for sharing, Taylor! That makes our day to hear.
“Shut up, I’m not almost there”
rUN foR ThE MonEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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