Our Favorite Water Polo Sayings for Shirts & Sweats
Looking for a creative or funny water polo slogan or saying for your team t-shirts, jackets, hoodies, or custom warmups? We’ve compiled some of our favorite from past customer orders just for you! Check them out and feel free to create your own water polo team design in our lab.
Clever Water Polo Slogans & Sayings for Team Apparel
Get soaked, stay stoked!
Dominate or drown.
Don’t tread on me.
What happens underwater, stays underwater.
Air is overrated.
The Game of Floats.
It’s not a game, it’s survival.
Always double tap.
Ball so hard.
I play a sport that kills!
Throwing bows may cause a kerfuffle, but who promised to play nice?
It’s not as easy as it looks.
This is where the action is.
A lady in the streets, a freak in the water.
Get in the pool!
Design Your Own Water Polo Team T-shirts
Go in hard, come out wet.
The harder you stroke, the faster you finish.
It’s like swimming but with balls
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