Custom Ink News & Events

Stories to Make You Sweat (& Smile)

Fun Healthy & Active Lifestyle Stories by Our Customers

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New Year, New You

Happy New Year! Do any of you share the same New Year’s resolution… to get in shape in 2016?! Over the past month, we’ve heard from some awesome customers through our Ink of the Week contest about how they are bonding with friends and communities to embrace a more active lifestyle. We’ve compiled a handful of stories that caught our eye!

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Ladies of Virtue (LOV) is an Oklahoma church weight loss group that meets weekly – in their complementary CustomInk crewnecks and v-necks – to encourage each other to create healthier bodies. The customer loved the way the shirts turned out so much that she is already participating in a Group Order Form for her next order!



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This customer had a dream of owning his own gym and from the beginning, he knew he wanted a custom t-shirt to represent his vision. Now with a handful of his own clients training for Strongman, a true strength sport that is challenging and demanding, and that builds character and mental fortitude, he has custom shirts to hand out to those who work hard and represent his gym.



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When their fitness facility at work decided to close, these ladies empowered themselves and started their own fitness program. The small program offers lunchtime fitness classes and keeps everyone on their feet and moving. The ladies love rocking their Empower CustomInk tank tops and t-shirts during their workouts. They were such a hit, that a second order has already been placed!



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Just this past week, Shore Results in New Jersey held their first Bells and Beers class, a group class involving barbells, pull-ups, kettle bells, and of course the camaraderie of the gym members. To celebrate at the end of the workout, the group cracked open a few beers, and to commemorate the successful class, everyone wore custom tees!


Jeff Gregory helps customers find what they need in search engines and loves writing blog posts that help people elevate their experiences.

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