Custom Ink News & Events

Stories to Make You Smile

IOTW Photo Contest

For over six years, we’ve been collecting customer stories in our Ink of the Week contest. Throughout the years, we’ve heard from some truly amazing customers about how their CustomInk orders helped to unite their community and take their event to the next level. We’re compiling a handful of stories to show you some of the communities we’ve recently touched.


2015-07-18_Focus_HopeDetroit Mower Gang

The Detroit Mower Gang gets together every other Wednesday to mow abandoned playgrounds in the city. Recently, they teamed up with Focus: HOPE and 15,000 volunteers to clean up vacant lots, board abandoned homes and introduce new rain gardens, public art, and trees to Detroit neighborhoods. The group shirts were a huge hit and helped the group “kick grass!”



love_every_day3Mason’s Crew

This customer has been ordering Mason’s Crew t-shirts since 2013, the year she lost her son before his first birthday. In memory of Mason, family and friends gather each year on his birthday to honor his memory and hold an “Un-Birthday celebration that benefits children and teens living in group foster care in the Tucson area.” Wearing their “Love Every Day” shirts, this community spreads happiness, smiles, help, and love to those in need.



Keep_Calm_PhotoDancePlus+ Aerobics

This small group of ladies from Salem, Oregon gets together twice a week to dance and perform aerobics to music – anything from oldies to gospel to Broadway to classics. Some of these women also frequent care centers in the area to perform routines for the elderly.



grampyGrampy’s 70th Skydiving Birthday

Grampy turned 70 years old on August 5th and all he wanted to do for his birthday was go skydiving. Grampy and his family traveled to Amelia Island for the big adventure and they all supported him by wearing “Geronimo” custom shirts – even ordering a special Happy Birthday tee for the man of the hour!



Jeff Gregory helps customers find what they need in search engines and loves writing blog posts that help people elevate their experiences.

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