Showcasing Spirit for Medical Professionals
Currently, employees at hospitals and health centers have become our frontline fighters against the coronavirus. For these medical workers who spend countless hours together through some intense situations, the camaraderie they feel with fellow staff and the trust they place in each other helps create a type of team bonding that you don’t get from trust falls. Being able to show off team pride with matching custom gear can do more than build up the spirit—being able to put a fun spin on the usual hospital garb can lighten the mood during these tough times. Even out of uniform, custom gear can help bring recognition to medical workers’ hard-work—especially right now, when remote work is still an impossibility for many in this field.
For some medical practices, this team spirit is built around specific departments. Because the human body is a complex machine, hospitals require many different doctors. Most hospitals are divided into separate areas based on a specific practice, such as radiology, cardiovascular care, or neuroscience. With each area having its own dedicated team, you can see why these workers would start feeling pride in what part they play. One way these teams have been showing off their spirit has been through matching custom gear.
One of these teams is the staff at Five Oaks Medical Group. They are a close-knit group; as part of Grady Memorial Hospital in Chickasha, Oklahoma, they offer a range of specialty medical services ranging from family medicine, general surgeries, podiatry, and more. The Five Oaks Medical Group is not a large practice, and according to the employees, they feel like a family. Working tirelessly together day-after-day, they show off their pride around the hospital with matching shirts.

Some of the supply chain staff at Good Samaritan Hospital showing off their custom shirts—not everyone is shown because some work night shifts
Another medical team showing off their spirit in style is the supply chain team at MultiCare Good Samaritan Hospital in Puyallup, Washington. Working alongside all the departments in the hospital, this team delivers necessary supplies to the doctors and patients all around-the-clock—the supply chain operates all day and all night, just like the emergency room staff. Unlike a lot of the hospital staff, this team doesn’t wear matching scrubs or a specific uniform, so using Custom Ink to create matching custom shirts with their own design proved to be a fun way to really bring together the supply chain team. Even though members of the supply chain team are on various schedules and aren’t always able to work (or take photos) together, they can still share the same spirit with their matching shirts.
Even for future medical professionals who aren’t working in a practice yet, custom gear can still showcase the skills they’ve worked hard to attain. Doctors-in-training and those in residency can look official even if they’re not in a hospital or medical center yet. Some plastic surgery residents at Rutgers University took the idea of matching outfits one step further with their “matching on Match Day” jackets.

Plastic Surgery residents at Rutgers University in their Match Day jackets
Match Day is put on by the National Resident Matching Program which serves to find medical programs to help with the training of medical residents based on a special ranking system. On Match Day, residents find out where they are qualified and needed for their residency. For such an important day, the fourth year plastic surgery residents at Rutgers created custom jackets that match to their residency. Even though they might end up at different locations for their training, they can still show off their class spirit and stay connected with their jackets.
When working in the medical field, one has to be flexible with their time, quick on their feet, and ready for anything that comes your way. Fortunately, there are ways you can show off your team spirit and continue multi-tasking—especially for the doctors and nurses who have to stay in their usual scrubs. A team of nurses in Georgia ordered custom headbands for their crew so that they can stay on top of their game and represent what they do. The headbands are pulling double-duty—keeping flyaways out of their faces and showing their team spirit.
Whether it’s doctors, nurses, surgeons, or staff, those working in the medical field are doing so much for the world. It’s important for these groups to be able to support each other and showcase their team spirit as they work together day in and day out.
If you are interested in showing your support for these tireless teams, we’ve compiled some ordering options to stay connected while staying apart during these times.
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