Inspiring Ironman Quotes and Slogans for T-shirts
Inspirational Ironman Quotes & Slogans for T-shirts
“You can quit and they won’t care, but you will always know.”
– John Collins, Creator of the Ironman
“Dare Mighty Things!”
– Teddy Roosevelt
“You can either throw in the towel or you can use it to wipe the sweat off your face and keep going”
– Unknown
“Until you face your fears, you don’t move to the other side, where you find the power.”
– Mark Allen | 6-Time Ironman World Champion
“Sometimes I’ll mix up my training with a fartlek run.”
“Not in achievement, but in endurance, of the human soul, does it show its divine grandeur and its alliance with the infinite.”
– Edwin Hubbel Chapin
“If you challenge yourself to finish an Ironman, you can do anything.”
– Unknown
“There are really just two kinds of people. Those who say I can’t. And those who say I can.”
“Winners train, losers complain”
“Success in the sport is, above all else, about enduring suffering.”
– Chris McCormack | 2-time Ironman World Champion
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