Fight for Air & Asthma Walk Team Names
Looking for a creative or funny team name to add to your asthma event t-shirts? Whether it’s for the American Lung Association’s Fight for Air Climb or a local asthma run/walk, we’ve been collecting some of our favorite team names from our customers and have come up with a few clever ones of our own—all to help inspire you and your team! Once you have your name picked out, or design your own t-shirts, hats, or more in our online design lab!
Funny & Creative Fight for Air/Asthma Walk Team Names
Fresh Air
Breath Mints
The Lung and the Restless
Wheeze No More
Oxygen Advocates
Pushing it to the Limit
Taking Charge
Light on Our Feet
Breathe EZ
Heavy Breathers
Breathtaking Beauties
Take My Breath Away
Lil Wheezy
Albuterol or Bust
So Xopenex
We Belung Together
Can’t We Get Alung?
Puff Puff Pavement Pounders
I want to start an asthma awareness group in honor of my grandson LANDEN. I want to call it:
L learn
A asthma
N now
D dying
E ends
N now
I am so beyond mad. Why doesn’t asthma get the same attention as bee stings, peanut allegeries, or even diabetes. I work for a school and we have to go through testing and portalcols at the befinning of the tear. There is never ever any training or awareness about asthma. Every asthma patient needs an epi pen and a can of boost in their back packs.
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