Lighten Up with Lightweight Tees!
One of the responsibilities of the Merchandise Team here at CustomInk is to follow trends in the t-shirt market as well as trends set by our customers’ buying habits. (I know – we’re SO on it!) And one of the reasons why I love our blog is because I can share these trends with you. Neon Tees? Check. Workout Tanks? Check. And the newest trend….insert drum roll here…. Lightweight T-Shirts!
T-shirt manufacturers are beginning to lighten the load by reducing the ounce weight of their tees. The reasons for doing this can vary by manufacturer but a few common ones are: to reduce the cost of materials, to supply customers looking for a lighter weight T with more comfort, and to give the fabric a more vintage look and feel. But no matter what the reason, there’s one thing to remember: lighter weight does NOT mean lower quality.
No matter what the occasion, budget, or look, there are a number of lightweight Ts on our site to choose from.

Anvil Ladies Jersey T

American Apparel Girly 50/50 T

Canvas Jersey T
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