Team Names

30 Bible and Jr. Bible Quiz Team Names

Friends in matching Bible Quiz Shirts

Think you’ve read enough of the Bible to know the difference between Acts, Acts 2, and Acts 3? Knowledgeable about King Nebuchadnezzar? If your church takes part in Bible Quiz or Bible Bowl and you fancy yourself a bit of a Bible nerd, why not show off your skills and show up wearing a custom Bible Quiz hoodie or sweatshirt? Or when a hard question makes you sweat, you can rehydrate with a personalized water bottle.

Bible and Jr. Bible Quiz Team Names

Well-read and Reverent

Small Miracles

the Galilee Gang

the Bible Bunch

Sanctified Squad

Communion Community

the Blessed Bunch

Saintly Squad

the Good (at Bible Quiz) Samaritans

the Holy Rollers

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (for teams of three)

Divine Intervention

Prayer Pals

Commandments Club

the new New Testaments

Crucifixion Crew

Blessed and Brainy

Fish Friends

the Alphas and Omegas

Chi Rho Bros

the little Lambs

the Miracle Makers

Deuteronomy, myself, and I

Seven Loaves and Two Fish Team

Bible Belles

New Testament Nerds

the Chosen Ones

the Testaments

Disciple Dorks


Kendra is the Copywriting Support at Custom Ink. She has a background in art but she loves writing, so she finds a compromise between the two by creating comics in her free time.

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