The Tortoise and the Hat: A Galapagos Gathering
When you’re packing for a family trip, what do you have on your list? There are of course the essentials—a couple of outfits, underwear, and a toothbrush—and depending on the destination, you may also want to stock up on swimsuits or warm socks. But on top of the clothes, or buried under a sweatshirt, what is it you pack to make your [...]
Making Mascots Memorable with Custom T-shirts
Do you remember your elementary school mascot? Maybe it was something familiar, like the Lions, or something more unique, like the Papermakers. For the students at Blacow Elementary in Fremont, CA, their mascot has become one they’re unlikely to forget. While the traditional PTA shirts inspired school spirit, Blacow Elementary School [...]
Sharing the Spotlight in Custom T-Shirts
A whistle blows, and two young girls come off the soccer field. Their faces say they’re family, but their team t-shirts bear opposing mascots, and that has six-year-old Adelyn Foto heartbroken. The thought of facing off against her sister, Katelyn, instead of playing with her is too much for her to bear. After all, aren’t they supposed [...]