Customer Stories: Ragnar Relays
As I was going through some Ink of the Week photos, I noticed some really active customers. Always making my lazy bones look bad! It turns out that CustomInk has helped dress at least 19 Ragnar Relay teams since 2007! CustomInk t-shirts have been worn for thousands of miles in Arizona, Washington, Minnesota, California, New York, Utah, New England and DC!
What’s Ragnar Relay, you ask? I didn’t know either. So let me enlighten you… The Ragnar Relay Series hosts at least 14 200ish-mile relay races in locations across the United States. Teams of 12 run day and night, relay-style, through some very scenic areas of the country. The mission of the series is to provide an unforgettable running experience.
You know what helps? Having a custom team t-shirt to wear during the race and to hold onto afterward as a memento of the sleep-deprived, dehydrated, achy, good time!
In April, we outfitted not one, not two, but three SoCal Ragnar Relay teams as they ran 200.9 miles from Huntington Beach to Coronado Island in 36 back-to-back relays over the course of 2 days. In May, we provided CustomInk t-shirts for at least two New England Ragnar Relay teams who ran from New Haven, CT, to Boston, MA. Phew!
Here are their stories:
Be sure to check out more customer photos & design your own t-shirt at CustomInk.
Would you ever run hundreds of miles with a group of friends? What would your team shirts say?
Awesome! One of my friends who was on one of these teams posted a link to this blog post. Rock on for all the teams that participated and it’s cool that they go to you for custom shirts.
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