Slogans & Sayings

100 Navy Quotes and Sayings

A collage showing a custom hoodie, trucker hat, t-shirt, and tote bag with US Navy quotes and sayings printed on them.

Navy SEALs have created a wealth of quotes, sayings, and slang thanks to their long and rich history. From the salty wisdom of seasoned sailors to the motivational mantras that fuel those who dare to venture out into the deep blue, these words hold an anchor’s worth of meaning. We’re diving into the depths of naval expressions that have weathered the storm. Add these famous Navy quotes and sayings to custom t-shirts, hoodies, backpacks, athletic wear, hats, and more to show your pride and patriotism. So, let’s take the plunge and explore these expressions that have stood the test of the tides! 

Famous Navy Quotes

Navy Sayings

Navy SEAL Sayings

Navy Slang

Navy Jokes

Famous Navy Quotes

  1. “I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think, can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: ‘I served in the United States Navy.'” President John F. Kennedy
  2. “The Navy has both a tradition and a future – and we look with pride and confidence in both directions.” Admiral George Anderson
  3. “The Navy is much more than a job; much more than service to the country. It is a way of life. It gets in your blood.” – Admiral Vern Clark
  4. “A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guarantee of peace.” – President Theodore Roosevelt
  5. “Uncommon valor was a common virtue.” – Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz
  6. “It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage.” – George William Curtis
  7. “Sailors, with their built-in sense of order, service, and discipline, should really be running the world.” – Nicholas Monsarrat
  8. “The Navy has a way of doing things. They say, ‘Jump!’ and you jump, no matter how high.” – Robert Duvall
  9. “A powerful Navy we have always regarded as our proper and natural means of defense, and it has always been of defense that we have thought, never of aggression or of conquest. But who shall tell us now what sort of Navy to build? We shall take leave to be strong upon the seas in the future as in the past, and there will be no thought of offense or provocation in that. Our ships are our natural bulwarks.” – President Woodrow Wilson
  10. “Don’t give up the ship!” – James Lawrence
  11. “Damn the torpedoes, Full speed ahead!” – David Glasgow Farragut
  12. “No matter what happens, the U.S. Navy is not going to be caught napping.” – Frank Knox
  13. “And without a respectable Navy—alas, America!” – John Paul Jones
  14.  “I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harm’s way.” – John Paul Jones
  15.  “For the first time in a long time, I felt like I had a purpose being in the Navy. It wasn’t about money and rank or prestige. It was about raising the flag. We do what we do because no one else can or will do it. We fight so others can sleep at night. And I had forgotten that.” – Timothy Ciciora
  16. “As a Navy SEAL and sniper, one of the things I learned was that excellence matters.” – Brandon Webb
  17. “The Navy is very old and very wise.” – Rudyard Kipling
  18. “There’s this misconception that the Navy is this cruise ship, and you get to go out and sail around, and every now and then, you have to swab the deck. But, no, it is a very impressive group of young people that live at sea, in this place that’s very uncomfortable. They exude a pride that is well-deserved.” – Tom Hanks
  19. “A captain of the Navy ought to be a man of strong and well-connected sense, with a tolerable good education, a gentleman, as well as a seaman both in theory and practice.” – John Paul Jones
  20. “It is the function of the Navy to carry the war to the enemy so that it is not fought on U.S. soil.” – Chester W. Nimitz

naval team

Navy Sayings

  1. “The only easy day was yesterday.” – Reflects the SEALs’ commitment to constant improvement and the challenges they face.
  2. “Embrace the suck.” – Encourages a positive attitude in difficult situations.
  3. “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” – Reminds SEALs to prioritize precision and control in their actions.
  4. “Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” – Emphasizes the importance of adapting to discomfort for growth.
  5. “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” – Motivates SEALs to push through physical and mental challenges.
  6. “Adapt, improvise, overcome.” – Encourages creative problem-solving in dynamic situations.
  7. “Earn your Trident every day.” – Remindes SEALs of the constant need to prove their skills and dedication.
  8. “Stay in the fight.” – Encourages perseverance and determination in difficult circumstances.
  9. “Discipline equals freedom.” – Highlights the concept that structure and self-control lead to freedom in action.
  10. “Failure is not an option.” – Reinforces the SEALs’ commitment to success and achieving their mission.
  11. “The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.” – Underscores the importance of rigorous preparation.
  12. “Train like your life depends on it.” – Recognizes the seriousness of training for real-life situations.
  13. “Mind over matter.” – Encourages mental resilience and strength.
  14. “Under pressure, you don’t rise to the occasion; you sink to the level of your training.” – Emphasizes the critical role of training in high-stress situations.
  15. “It pays to be a winner.” – Reinforces the value of success and the mindset of striving for victory.
  16. “No plan survives first contact with the enemy.” – Acknowledges the need for flexibility in changing circumstances.
  17. “Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.” – Encourages thoroughness and dedication to tasks.
  18. “Success is not owned. It’s leased, and rent is due every day.” – Reinforces the idea that achievement requires ongoing effort.
  19. “Success begins with self-discipline.” – Stresses the importance of personal accountability and control.
  20. “The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle.” – Reinforces the value of always being prepared.

A group of US Naval Sea Cadets pose together while wearing their matching custom t-shirts.

Navy SEAL Sayings

  1. “High and tight” – Refers to a short haircut, reflecting discipline and professionalism.
  2. “Stay frosty.” – Be alert and vigilant.
  3. “One mind, any weapon.” – Highlights the importance of adaptability and resourcefulness.
  4. “Don’t run from adversity; run towards it.” – Emphasizes facing challenges head-on.
  5. “Leave no man behind.” – Reflects the commitment to teamwork and loyalty.
  6. “Don’t let your mind control you. Control your mind.” – Encourages mental strength and self-mastery.
  7. “Failure is not fatal.” – Recognizes that setbacks are part of the journey.
  8. “Success demands sacrifice.” – Acknowledges the effort required to achieve greatness.
  9. “Every evolution is a mission.” – Treats every task as seriously as a combat mission.
  10. “Mindset, skillset, toolset.” – Recognizes the holistic approach to success.
  11. “Never stop fighting.” – A reminder to persevere in the face of challenges.
  12. “No easy day.” – Reflects the rigorous nature of SEAL training and operations.
  13. “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight; it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” – Emphasizes determination over physical attributes.
  14. “Hunt, track, close with, destroy the enemy.” – Highlights the core mission of SEALs.
  15. “Do today what others won’t, so tomorrow you can do what others can’t.” – Emphasizes the value of hard work and preparation.
  16. “Ready Up” – Be prepared for immediate action.
  17. “Pain is temporary. Pride is forever.” – Speaks to the pride SEALs will always feel despite their intense training. 
  18. “Keep your head on a swivel.” – Emphasizes the necessity of being constantly aware of your surroundings. 
  19. “Don’t stop when you’re tired—stop when you’re done.” – Emphasizes the importance of never giving up. 
  20. “Be someone special.” – Reminds Navy SEALs to work hard every day. 

A Naval squadron welcomes its new chief officers with matching custom hoodies.

Navy Slang

  1. Frogman: A term used to refer to a Navy SEAL, often referencing their amphibious capabilities.
  2. BUD/S: Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training, the intense selection course for aspiring SEALs.
  3. Hooyah: A motivational cheer or affirmation SEALs use to show enthusiasm and unity.
  4. Hell Week: A grueling five-day period during BUD/S training characterized by intense physical and mental challenges.
  5. Grunt: Refers to infantry soldiers, often used playfully to refer to SEALs’ services.
  6. Goon Squad: A SEAL team on a mission or operation.
  7. Finning: Using swim fins to propel through the water.
  8. Over the Beach: An operation involving both water and land elements.
  9. Fire in the Hole: A warning used before a detonation or explosion.
  10. Wetsuit Delta: A wet wetsuit.
  11. Triple Canopy: A dense jungle environment.
  12. Night Owl: A SEAL who excels in nighttime operations.
  13. Shoot House: A facility for close-quarters combat training.
  14. Four Eyes: SEALs who wear glasses or have corrective eyewear.
  15. Ready Up: Prepare for immediate action.
  16. Shellback: A sailor who has crossed the equator.
  17. Alpha Squad: The first squad in a platoon.
  18. Echo: Enemy or opposing force.
  19. Tango: Target or hostile.
  20. Rambo: A derogatory term for someone overly aggressive or showy.

A family celebrating the life of their late family member who served in the Navy with matching custom t-shirts.

Navy Jokes

1. How do Navy officers greet each other? 

With an “aye, aye” five!

2. Why does the Navy prefer to recruit non-swimmers? 

Because they defend the ship with a lot more enthusiasm. 

3. What’s a sailor’s favorite type of music? 

Sea shanties, of course!

4. Why do submarines hum? 

Because they don’t know the words.

5. What’s a sailor’s favorite seafood? 

Fish and ships.

6. How do Navy officers keep their uniforms wrinkle-free? 

They use ironclads.

7. What’s a sailor’s favorite game? 


8. What do you call a sailor who’s good at math? 

An algae-bro.

9. How do Navy sailors like their coffee? 

Strong to port, weak to starboard!

10. Why was the sailor great at telling stories? 

He always had a sea-quel in mind!

11. Why did the sailor get kicked off the baseball team? 

He was caught stealing sea-cond base.

12. How do Navy sailors communicate underwater?

They use subtitles.

13. Why did the sailor go to the gym? He wanted to improve his “sea”-level fitness!

14. What’s a sailor’s favorite type of sandwich? 

A sub.

15. What grades do you need to join the Navy?

7 C’s.

16. What did the Navy say to the coast guard?

 “I’ll SEAL you later.”

17. I became a chef after I left the Navy. Some would say I am a seasoned veteran.

18. I wanted to join the Navy, but that ship has sailed. 

19. The US Navy will start to equip all its subs with emotional support dogs. After a lot of study, they decided on dachshunds. They will be subma-weiners.

20. Why is there no Jedi Navy?

Sailing is a path to the dockside.


Stephanie Self loves to tell stories and expose new perspectives through writing. When she's not typing on a laptop or buried in a book, she loves watching horror movies and pro wrestling, playing video games, and snuggling with her cat, CleoCatra. Lest you should think she never sees the light of day, she also spends time practicing hot yoga, hiking, and traveling.

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    View Comments
    • Kevin Heath

      I edit and create music mixes for cheerleaders and dancers all over the world…….I just mixed a cheer mix for the US Naval Academy and used several of the motto’s in their mix…..I so appreciate you work on finding and posting these slogans……The cheer squad at the US Naval Academy just heard the mix and went NUTS…………………….anything I can do for you just ask as I feel that you are a big part of the success of this cheer mix…………………

    • Kedarrius

      We Navy Men…. their damn few

    • Foxx Stephanie Queen-Pace

      Fair winds and following seas

    • J Francis Olson

      My favorite: ” The only easy day was yesterday”

      Thanks for sharing.


    • ABH Three

      “AB or Wannabe”

      Aviation Boatswain’s Mates – Aircraft Handlers V1 Division – (IKE/CVN69)

    • Sarah

      I didn’t see a slogan for the years 1990-1996. I served during that time, and I always remembered, “Full Speed Ahead”.

    • Joe Yuna (LCDR/USN), Retired

      Gheez-these are academic, and not really somethings a career sailor would say.

      I grew up on “…we deal in lead…” “…we have not yet begun to fight…” “men of brass and ships of steel…”

      “…fused bombs on target, first pass…”

      and my favorite…

      “Fighter pilots make movies, but Navy attack pilots make history.”

      I have a slew more but not for public consumption. but since the Nam thru Gulf War I, the one truth beyond these quotes is that the US Navy arrives first and always ready for a fight, anytime, anyone and anywhere. And that is why the carriers despite being taunted as expensive archaic hulks easily attacked are still out there doing what they are intended to do – kill the enemy.

      And that is why the Chinese are rapidly building their carrier fleet with 3-5 new Reagan class sized carriers, and not those Russian training carriers to get their pilots to do what no other nation but the United States can do – fight globally and around the clock.

    • Angie


      My stepdad served in the US Navy on the US Mississippi from 1951-1954. He passed away last Friday and I am putting together a memorial for him. Do you know of any navy motto for that time period? I appreciate any info. Thanks.

    • Julie musolino

      New slogan suggestion:

      “Navy” the color(s) look good on you!”

    • jim slater

      under the ocean, over the waves or in the sky our aim is true! Go Navy. JMS

    • Patrick

      Kevin Heath. The Navy needs recruits. Not pom-pom dancers.

    • Bob T

      “See if she’s got a sister”


      Timely comments ! I loved the information . Does anyone know if I might be able to find a blank US Navy example to type on ?

    • J. South

      Our unit motto on the USS Tunny (SSN 682) was
      “Illegitimate non carborundum” (don’t let the bastards wear you down)

    • L H

      For all destroyer men: Haze Grey and underway

    • Roy Nielsen


    • jay flowers

      do anybody remember this slogan CALL ME AN AIRDALE

    • kentcourtney

      Logistics is to War as Bread and Butter are to Daily Work

    • Tommy Dusang

      U.S. Navy SEALS:

    • Tony C

      Minesweeper: Iron Men in Wooden Ships

    • Rick C

      Umm, that’s technically Clint Eastwood as “Gunny Highway” in “Heartbreak Ridge”. If you want to attribute it to a branch, it’s got to go to the US Marines.

    • Jules

      My dad’s Navy joke slogans:

      NAVY: Never Again Volunteer Yourself

      Not just a job, you can quit a job, its an adventure!

      USMC: Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

      Haze grey and underway

      SH-2 Seasprites: We see you, b*tch!

    • Derek Emrie

      Yes “You and the Navy, Full Speed Ahead” was a slogan, I believe in the 90’s…mockingly some sailors shouted “You and the Navy, Go Clean the Head”! My T-shirt iron-on from the recruiters office read “The BIg Guns are in the NAVY” (I joined in 1984), and my favorite bumper sticker from the 80’s read “Sailors Have More Fun”. Yep, four WESTPAC’s, a NORTHPAC, a MEDCRUISE on four different carriers, one tour of overseas prefered shore duty, two shipyards, lots of training and twenty years of fun (mostly anyway). Thank God, many admirals, captains, commanders, lieutenants, ( a few good ensigns), Master/Senior, and Chief Petty Officers, and millions of other NCO’s and non-designated personnel, and all the other people around the world…and I made it out alive, AT1 (AW/SW) Retired USN.

    • Sebastian Dangerfield

      “Fair winds and following seas”

    • Pruitt Jeffrey Mattew

      we are the Lords of Discipline

    • Jeffrey Mattew Pruitt 9321

      I want to be an airborne ranger

    • Jeffrey pruitt

      I nicknamed myself Bandit in Highscool before I went into navy uknowingly

    • Debra Bevington

      In the 80s motto was, “Police the World” USN 1980 to 1992

    • Rich

      Operations Specialists 1973-1994
      In God We Trust, All others we track and destroy

    • Pat Girolamo

      From CT the ‘Spooks’;
      In God we Trust; all else we monitor.

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