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Get Video Ready with Custom Zoom Shirts

Posted By Kate Degen

We’ve all been there–the reminder pops up that you have a Zoom call in 10 minutes and you aren’t exactly dressed to impress. Sounds like you need a Zoom shirt. For work from homers, a Zoom shirt is a great item to have on hand to make sure you’re always ready to put a professional foot forward. It can be a button down, polo, or henley with your company logo on it that’s easy to throw on to polish up your look. Or if you want to have some fun with it, a t-shirt with a funny saying or design. The key to a great Zoom shirt setup? Make sure you have a few colors to rotate so your look doesn’t go stale. Adding your company logo to the chest is a great option to make sure your brand is visible–and it adds an extra layer of professionalism. Below are some of our favorite Zoom shirt options.

The Professional Zoom Shirt

Nothing gives you that Cinderella professional moment like putting on a collared button up shirt or a polo. These are great options for showing off your company logo and for looking like you put some thought into your look.

Port Authority Crosshatch Dress Shirt

Port Authority Silk Touch Polo

Port Authority Women’s Henley Tunic Blouse

Port Authority Women’s Full Button Cardigan Sweater

The Fun Zoom T-shirt

Want to have some fun with your Zoom attire? Customize a t-shirt with one of your favorite sayings or jokes about virtual meetings. Not only is it nice to have something festive to wear that can lift your spirits, but it’s a sure conversation starter with anyone on your call. We think these would make a great care package gift for your employees that are working from home, or even for your project team that just wrapped up a big deadline for a project that happened primarily over Zoom.

Quaranteam T-shirt

Social Distancing Champion T-shirt

Ready to customize Zoom shirts with your logo and show up for virtual meetings like the pro you are? Head to our Design Lab to get started today. You can also use our simple Group Order Form tool to set up an order–then everyone on your team can choose their own sizes and ship directly to their homes. If you’re in the customizing spirit, don’t forget face masks for your whole team!

Kate wants her work to impact the little but important moments in people’s lives—like birthdays, anniversaries, and family celebrations. She loves coming up with witty copy that might inspire someone to create an awesome t-shirt!

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